These days, the type of songs that dominate the songs are those of the pop genre. While many enjoy this type of music, many others find this type of music to be annoying and seemingly meaningless and shallow.
Over the past few years, though, I've noticed a growing trend in songs- "poppish" songs have now turned to rap for the bridge. This trend has made poppish songs increasingly more appealing to a larger group of people and has taken several songs that didn't have rap in the bridge and made them popular.
An excellent example of such a case is Katy Perry's song, "E.T." when Katy Perry's album, "Teenage Dream" first came out in the summer of 2010, I listened to the entire album and I really liked the song E.T. and I thought it would quickly become popular. The song eventually did go on to be very popular, but not until about a year later when the original bridge was swapped out for Kanye West's bridge that is all rap.
By adding this aspect to the song, this song now appeals to people that may enjoy rap music over pop music. The songs that are now topping the charts are those that have combined both rap and pop, thus appealing to two different groups of music lovers.
What really bothers me is the writing of music for popularity instead of true feeling. That's what music lacks nowadays, what is one to take from "teenage dream?" It also bothers me that the "artist" that gets their name attached to the song hardly ever writes it, they have a team of professional writers, and all the "artist" has to do is sing half-decently and let the editors do the work.